Retirement solutions

As Australia’s retirement sector continues to grow and mature, Mercer remains committed in helping our clients secure better retirement outcomes for members.

As Australia’s retirement sector continues to grow and mature, Mercer remains committed in helping our clients secure better retirement outcomes for members. We offer a broad range of solutions to the superannuation industry from actuarial consulting, to legal and financial advice. 

  • Retirement Income Covenant

    The Retirement Income Covenant requires all APRA regulated super funds to have a documented strategy to identify the retirement income needs of fund members who are retired or are approaching retirement and develop a plan to service those needs. Find out how Mercer can help you design and execute on your retirement strategies before the July 2022 deadline.
  • Retirement consulting

    Mercer's actuarial expertise is helping employers, trustees, businesses, financial institutions and governments understand their liabilities and obligations. There is no one that understands the super industry better than Mercer.
  • Mercer Retirement Readiness Index

    Mercer’s Retirement Readiness Index offers superannuation funds a way to measure membership's readiness for retirement with detailed attribution analysis. The Index instantly measures how members are tracking towards achieving a comfortable retirement.